
Hieronder kun je zoeken in de open collectie van Natuurbeelden en de ingezonden remixes bekijken.

Results from complete repository (8,301)

DIY houses at Philips
DIY houses at Philips
Week number 48-51Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:04) 10 Dec 1948
Eindhoven: entry of St. Nicolas
Eindhoven: entry of St. Nicolas
Week number 41-48Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:24) 01 Nov 1941
The machines of Philips return from Germany
The machines of Philips return from Germany
Week number 46-11Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:17) 01 Mar 1946
Herdenking van Eindhovens bevrijding
Herdenking van Eindhovens bevrijding
Weeknummer 47-39Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:26) 18 Sep 1947
Second anniversary of the liberation of Eindhoven
Second anniversary of the liberation of Eindhoven
Week number 46-39Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:49) 20 Sep 1946
Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives pay a...
Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives pay a visit to the Dutch industries
Week number 51-37Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:48) 01 Sep 1951
Reconstruction of a shopping centre in Eindhoven
Reconstruction of a shopping centre in Eindhoven
Week number 53-32Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:13) 01 Aug 1953
Citizens (dis)organize the traffic in Eindhoven
Citizens (dis)organize the traffic in Eindhoven
Week number 53-40Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:17) 01 Sep 1953
Commando overdracht
Commando overdracht
Weeknummer 31-07Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:12) 31 Dec 1930
''Wintertentoonstelling 1951'' in de Apollohal
''Wintertentoonstelling 1951'' in de Apollohal
Weeknummer 51-14Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:20) 01 Apr 1951

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