
Hieronder kun je zoeken in de open collectie van Natuurbeelden en de ingezonden remixes bekijken.

"The Greatest of Hungarians": István Széchenyi (1791-1860)
"The Greatest of Hungarians": István Széchenyi (1791-1860)
Profiles: A Programme by Zoltán CsákyThe Worlds of Széchenyi – an exhibition organized by the Hungarian National Museum presenting the life of Count István Széchenyi, "the greatest of Hungarian... (13:51) 18 Mar 2011
150 years Belgium
150 years Belgium
HistoryAn overview of 150 years Belgium from the point of view of energetical and technological installations.The time of the windmills has passed. (29:51) 28 Feb 1980
Agriculture in the Hortobágy National Park
Agriculture in the Hortobágy National Park
Farmers’ roundtableThis episode of the economic programme presents the economic activities of the Hortobágy National Park and the changes in the lives of the people living her... (20:12) 20 Jun 2007
Bikini during the day and at night
Bikini during the day and at night
La Settimana IncomImages from Saint Tropez, one of the most desired destinations for summer tourism, between beaches, shopping and night life (01:47) 01 Jan 1964
Construction of the television mast near Lopik
Construction of the television mast near Lopik
Week number 50-39Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:49) 26 Sep 1950
Fire in television studio
Fire in television studio
Week number 55-15Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented (00:47) 06 Apr 1955
Cape Canaveral: launch of the "Telstar" satellite, which wil...
Cape Canaveral: launch of the "Telstar" satellite, which will allow the transmission of images from United States to Europe
La settimana IncomLaunch of the "Telstar" satellite, which will allow the transmission of images from United States to Europe (01:56) 01 Jan 1962
Catalonia Clips
Catalonia Clips
Parc MontserratClips that show different characteristics of Catalonia sites, including bird flight images. (00:31) 07 Oct 1998
Catalonia Clips
Catalonia Clips
BarcelonaClips that show different characteristics of Catalonia sites, including bird flight images. (02:01) 07 Oct 1998
Catalonia Clips
Catalonia Clips
El Parc GüellClips that show different characteristics of Catalonia sites, including bird flight images. (02:01) 07 Oct 1998

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Results from complete repository (10,982)

By Ziga DivjakVideo remix made during a workshop of the StrangerFestival 2009. (01:21) 11 Feb 2010
"Amsterdam Diamond City"
"Amsterdam Diamond City"
Week number 57-27Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:51) 20 Jun 1957
"De Joodse invalide" betrekt een nieuw tehuis
"De Joodse invalide" betrekt een nieuw tehuis
Weeknummer 52-44Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:46) 23 Oct 1952
"De Joodse Invalide" gaat bouwen
"De Joodse Invalide" gaat bouwen
Diverse beelden van de bouw en de eerste steenlegging van het groot centraal gesticht van de Joodsche Invalide in Amsterdam. (07:40) 10 Oct 1935
"Don't be afraid of the madness in your head."
"Don't be afraid of the madness in your head."
Beelden uit de vroegere maatschappij die bestond uit eenvoud gemixt tot mijn interpretatie van de huidige maatschappij, een gekte. (01:11) 10 Apr 2012
"Electronic" press excursion
"Electronic" press excursion
Week number 61-05Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:47) 17 Jan 1961
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 15 uit 1947. (01:59) 07 Apr 1947
Instrumentaal muziek gemaakt door Jacco Troost, fallwood. Edit in Adobe Premiere Pro CC door Jacco Troost. (04:55) 16 Sep 2017
Female police officers take the streets for the first time
Female police officers take the streets for the first time
Week number 55-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:18) 17 Jan 1955
"Varen op schaal" in het Scheepsbouwkundig Proefstation
"Varen op schaal" in het Scheepsbouwkundig Proefstation
Weeknummer 73-15Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (03:03) 01 Apr 1973

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