Hieronder kun je zoeken in de open collectie van Natuurbeelden en de ingezonden remixes bekijken.
- Guy Consolmagno: Extra footage 1
- Guy Consolmagno explains his fascination for meteorites and talks about combining science and religion; closeups of the Vatican meteorite collection; exampl... (24:23) 01 Jan 1960
- Artur Avila - Extra footage
- Images of IMPA (Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada); Director Marcelo Viana of IMPA talking about Artur Avila. (10:43) 01 Jan 1960
- Lee Cronin: Extra footage 2
- Lee Cronin demonstrating 'impossible' molecules; taking a nap in his sofa; theorizing on the glass wall; shots of the Cronin lab at the School of Chemistry ... (04:00) 01 Jan 1960
- Lee Cronin: Extra footage 1
- Lee Cronin on how he combines and creates complexity with his equipment, by analogies with bakers and cocktails, and on digital chemistry (23:50) 01 Jan 1960
- George Church: Extra footage
- Images from the lab at Harvard Medical School; George Church donating his own DNA to the Personal Genome Project at the GET conference; images of a park in ... (13:09) 01 Jan 1960
- Jian-Wei Pan: Extra footage 1
- Jian-Wei Pan travelling; images of the observatory in the mountains near Beijing; Jian-Wei Pan with family. (05:12) 01 Jan 1960
- Erik Demaine - Extra footage
- Demaine in his office; Erik and Marty Demaine working on origami and visiting PAX at the Boston Convention - the largest gaming event in the USA; working on... (19:41) 01 Jan 1960
- Jian-Wei Pan - Extra footage 2
- Quantum mechanics laboratory in Hefei China; shots of the observatory in the mountains near Beijing. (06:56) 01 Jan 1960
- Guy Consolmagno: Extra footage 2
- Guy Consolmagno showing an antique telescope at the Vatican observatory; looking at the moon at night; telescope images of the moon. (06:41) 01 Jan 1960
- Hans Clevers: Extra footage 1
- Hans Clevers looking at and commenting on aboriginal art; closeups of the aboriginal art work; shots of 'cell art' at the Hubrecht Institute; closeup of Han... (04:32) 01 Jan 1960
Results from complete repository (10,949)
- The boxing cats (Prof. Welton's)
- Film from the Hendricks (Gordon) Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:21) 01 Jul 1894
- Turkish dance, Ella Lola
- Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:29) 07 Oct 1898
- Hurdle Jumping by Trained Dogs
- Vaudeville act with dog and cat dressage. (01:06) 01 Jan 1899
- King John
- Death scene from ""The Life and Death of King John"" by Shakespeare, performed by Her Majesty's Theatre in London. (01:03) 01 Jan 1899
- Three acrobats
- Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:35) 20 Mar 1899
- Arabian gun twirler
- Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:40) 20 Mar 1899
- Skating in Central Park
- A lively winter scene with images of a crowd of people skating on one of the lakes in New York’s Central Park. (01:04) 01 Jan 1900
- Gordon Sisters boxing
- Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (01:38) 05 May 1901
- Sandow
- Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:26) 10 Jun 1903
- Expert bag punching
- Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (01:33) 27 Jul 1903