
Hieronder kun je zoeken in de open collectie van Natuurbeelden en de ingezonden remixes bekijken.

Results from complete repository (10,431)

Sperm whale on the beach
Sperm whale on the beach
Week number 70-03Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:40) 01 Jan 1970
Unique tennis centre
Unique tennis centre
Week number 70-22Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:15) 01 May 1970
Water pollution
Water pollution
Week number 70-34Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:24) 01 Aug 1970
Reserve for storks
Reserve for storks
Week number 69-20Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:23) 01 May 1969
Six-day racing
Six-day racing
Week number 69-51Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:25) 01 Dec 1969
Conflict at college
Conflict at college
Week number 69-19Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:38) 01 May 1969
Art academy
Art academy
Week number 68-17Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:31) 01 Apr 1968
Especially birds suffer from the long winter
Especially birds suffer from the long winter
Week number 79-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:32) 01 Jan 1979
The 20th National Tree Planting Day
The 20th National Tree Planting Day
Week number 76-13Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:03) 01 Jan 1976
Nature reserve: young life at birds island Griend
Nature reserve: young life at birds island Griend
Week number 75-31Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:14) 01 Jan 1975

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