
Hieronder kun je zoeken in de open collectie van Natuurbeelden en de ingezonden remixes bekijken.

Roman gastronomical itineraries
Roman gastronomical itineraries
La settimana IncomThe report shows the specialities of four restaurants in the area of Rome (02:21) 01 jan 1960
Gentlemen's hairdresser is the last fashion
Gentlemen's hairdresser is the last fashion
La Settimana IncomThe reportage stigmatizes the new fashion from England of haidresser for boys (00:55) 01 jan 1960
Reactions of public opinions to some sensational press news
Reactions of public opinions to some sensational press news
La Settimana IncomIronic reportage on the importance given to some sensational scoops received with cold reactions by readers (00:58) 30 mrt 1960
New York: speeches delivered by Krushev and Eisenhower in fr...
New York: speeches delivered by Krushev and Eisenhower in front of UN representatives
La Settimana IncomReport on the speeches given by Eisenhower and Krushev (01:59) 29 sep 1960
Mastklimmen in Lopik
Mastklimmen in Lopik
Weeknummer 61-02Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:22) 28 dec 1960
Opening TV salon in Antwerpen
Opening TV salon in Antwerpen
Het JournaalDe officiele opening van het radio en TV salon in Antwerpen geeft ons een beeld van de omroepindustrie in de jaren zestig. (03:52) 25 feb 1961
Een dag aan zee
Een dag aan zee
Het JournaalBeelden van de Belgische kust : vakantiegangers lezen op het strand, een politie-agent helpt enkele verdwaalde toeristen, vissers naaien hun netten. Sommige... (03:53) 26 jul 1961
Uitreiking TV Prijs 1961
Uitreiking TV Prijs 1961
Weeknummer 61-42Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:27) 10 okt 1961
Cape Canaveral: launch of the "Telstar" satellite, which wil...
Cape Canaveral: launch of the "Telstar" satellite, which will allow the transmission of images from United States to Europe
La settimana IncomLaunch of the "Telstar" satellite, which will allow the transmission of images from United States to Europe (01:56) 01 jan 1962
Plechtige communie
Plechtige communie
Het JournaalBeelden van het katholieke ritueel van de plechtige communie die als symbool staat voor de toegang tot het volwassenenleven. (01:28) 27 mei 1962

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Resultaten uit de volledige verzameling (10.613)

Expert bag punching
Expert bag punching
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (01:33) 27 jul 1903
Treloar and Miss Marshall, prize winners at the Physical Cul...
Treloar and Miss Marshall, prize winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (02:10) 15 jan 1904
Japanese acrobats
Japanese acrobats
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (01:50) 28 apr 1904
Spirit of '76
Spirit of '76
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:57) 18 mei 1905
Latina, dislocation act
Latina, dislocation act
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:39) 20 nov 1905
Latina, contortionist
Latina, contortionist
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:48) 20 nov 1905
The society raffles
The society raffles
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (00:48) 06 dec 1905
Fight of nations
Fight of nations
Film from the Paper Print Collection of the Library of Congress. (11:05) 17 feb 1907
Jester, The (Narren Grappen)
Jester, The (Narren Grappen)
A (smoking) woman dressed as a jester uses tricks to make people, animals, and things appear and disappear. (05:40) 31 dec 1907
Heimkehr des Reisenden, Die
Heimkehr des Reisenden, Die
Melodrama about a couple who are in love, but who are driven apart by poverty. (08:52) 31 dec 1907

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